Follow me being me (Justus) on Instagram or send greetings / booking enquiries / whatnot to my E-Mail. Let's get to business! ☎

During the day I do graphic design focusing on type, publications and identities, and at night I deejay. But do the two thingies intersect? Yes, all the time. See for yourself!

Graphic dijon (design) works! ✍

Tuli ja Savu

Layout design for Tuli ja Savu magazines issue Pyhä. Done with Emma Tahvanainen. Rewarded as the best publication of the year as part of a group at Vuoden Huiput.

Sex Tales & Cocktails

Working on the concept and visual identity design for a monthly disco club. Been a lot of fun! Updated the look with Emmma Tahvanainen and Samu Pitkänen.


Poster design and curation of illustrations for a summer club event series. The focus was on introducing new designers and illustrators. More to come!

Miksi suunnittelet fontin?

"Why design a font? – The importance of reasoning in type design" My bachelors thesis about typography and how to look at type design practice.

Rod, or is it Riki?

A portrait of myself after I heard I look like Rod drawn with a pencil. I also made silkscreen prints from the drawing. You can find them too from my Instagram, hahha.

I'll add more to the site, as soon as I have time. Updating a website is a whole lot of work ya know?

My mixes in the spotlight! ☟

Privacy Policy –  Never updated but just so you know, I own the rights to all of this stuff. Cheers!